Innovative Approach to Design of Combined Weave Fabrics with Long Propulsions
DOI: 10.24411/2617-1503-2018-11005
Е. Fedorchenko, O. Zakora, I. Kirilchuk
Kherson National Technical University, Kherson, Ukraine
Results of experimental studies enabled to develop a technique to design combined weave fabrics whose repeat pattern includes warp and weft overlaps of different lengths. The technique is based on determining the order of a fabric structure phase as the arithmetic average for all overlaps in the repeat pattern. The calculation is based on the ultimate order of the fabric structure phase in the propulsion of a maximum length.
repeat pattern, structure phase, warp and weft overlaps, height of bending waves
- Fedorchenko, E. Innovative Approach to Design of Combined Weave Fabrics with Long Propulsions / Е. Fedorchenko, O. Zakora, I. Kirilchuk // Materials and Technologies. - 2018. - № 1 (1). - P. 28 - 32.
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