Characteristics of Bast Crop for Use in Technical Textile

DOI: 10.24411/2617-1503-2018-11012


L. Chursina, O. Gorach, V. Bazyk

Kherson National Technical University, Ukraine


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The article gives a description of the bast crop used in technical textiles. The content of the fiber in the stalks of oil flax along their length was studied. Graphical representation of the research results is presented. It has been determined that both lower and upper parts of the stem have a minimal amount of bast crop and, in the combine harvest-ing method, remain on the field for further spitting, and the productive part of the stem, a vertex, can be used for fiber production and further processing into technical products.

oil flax, stalks, lob, technical textiles


  • Chursina, L. Characteristics of Bast Crop for Use in Technical Textile / L. Chursina, O. Gorach, V. Bazyk // Materials and Technologies. - 2018.  - № 1 (1). - P. 66 - 72.

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