The Effect of Anisotropy of the Fabrics Properties on the Quality of Overalls
V. Zamyshlyaeva, N. Smirnova
Kostroma State University, Russia
This paper presents the results of fabric change in linear dimensions anisotropy research for the current range of overalls after repeated washings. Based on the conducted research the information was received about overalls fabrics, the rational and the most problematic areas during wearing of cutting pieces allowing to implement science-based confectioning and constructive solution of choice of high quality items.
overalls, quality, fabrics, the change in linear dimensions, anisotropy
- Zamyshlyaeva, V. The Effect of Anisotropy of the Fabrics Properties on the Quality of Overalls / V. Zamyshlyaeva, N. Smirnova // Materials and Technologies. - 2018. - № 1 (1). - P. 8 - 11.
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