Designing of Women's Clothes Collections Based on the Research of African Ethnic Elements
DOI: 10.24411/2617-1503-2018-11015
N. Gubal, M. Vynnychuk, O. Kolosnichenko, D. Vydolob
Kyiv National University of Technologies and Design, Ukraine
The article defines the forming elements of designing a new collection of clothes based on the analysis of the ethnic objects of Africa, identifies the main factors that are the basis for the creation of modern models of clothing with the characteristic features of African style. It investigates the influence of African culture as a source of inspiration in the formation of modern products. The author's collection of women's clothing in African style is designed, which corresponds to the trends of modern fashion.
fashion, African tribes, rituals, masks, ornaments
- Designing of Women's Clothes Collections Based on the Research of African Ethnic / Gubal N. [et al.] // Materials and Technologies. - 2018. - № 1 (1). - P. 81 - 87.
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