Computer Finite Element Model of Weft Interaction with the Warp during Battening on a Loom
P. Sevostyanov, T. Samoylova, M. Tikhomirova
The Kosygin State University of Russia, (Technology, Design, Art), Russian Federation
The article discusses a computer model of weft interaction with warp during battening on a loom. The model enables to study the dynamics of the impact of a weft on the wrap during the battening and the reverse reaction of the warp on weft. The simulation was performed using the finite element method.
modeling, fabric, warp, weft, deformation
Sevostyanov, P. Computer Finite Element Model of Weft Interaction with the Warp during Battening on a Loom / P. Sevostyanov, T. Samoylova, M. Tikhomirova // Materials and Technologies. - 2019. - № 1 (3). - P. 54-58.
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