Development of the Collection for Double Jacquard Matting
Sh. Shaldgiyan, N. Samutsina, G. Kazarnovskaya
Vitebsk State Technological University, Republic of Belarus
As a result, a collection of two-floor jacquard carpets (mats), consisting of eight sketches, one of which is made in the material at Vitebsk Carpets company. Traditional Armenian and Belarusian motifs and symbols are the creative source for the creation of the author's drawings. The work was carried out in compliance with all the necessary aesthetic, ergonomic and technological requirements. The effectiveness of the work is determined by the expansion of the range of products manufactured at the carpet-weaving enterprise, the improvement of its consumer qualities due to the modern approach to the design of sketches of jacquard piece products.
jacquard carpet, mat, folk ornament
Shaldgiyan, Sh. Development of the Collection for Double Jacquard Matting / Sh. Shaldgiyan, N. Samutsina, G. Kazarnovskaya // Materials and Technologies. - 2019. - № 1 (3). - P. 69-76.
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