Virtual 3D Sketching in Imitation Design and Confectioning of Fur Clothes
V. Belgorodsky, M. Guseva, E. Andreeva, M. Alibekova
Kosygin State University of Russia, Russian Federation
The article discusses interactive technologies for finding a compositional solution of clothing in a virtual environment of graphic CAD systems. At the stage of sketching the designed product, it was proposed to present visual information about the volumetric-spatial shape of an object using 3D graphic simulators, and at the stage of confectioning, add to it a virtual display of the texture of the material. Industrial approbation of visualization of models of fur products was carried out on the basis of virtual prototyping in graphic CAD CLO3D, which allows real-time changes in the design and technological solution of the model and promptly adjust the configuration of flat templates of construction parts based on the interactive wishes of the customers.
fur clothes, dressing and finishing of fur, virtual sketching, prototyping and fitting of clothes
- Virtual 3D Sketching in Imitation Design and Confectioning of Fur Clothes / V. Belgorodsky, M. Guseva, E. Andreeva, M. Alibekova // Materials and Technologies. - 2020. - № 1 (5). - P. 11 - 18.
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