Comprehensive Assessment of the Para-Aramid Fabric Quality


A. Kurdenkova, Yu. Shustov, Ya. Bulanov

Russian State University named after A.N. Kosygin (Technology, Design, Art), Russian Federation


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The article presents a complex study of the change in mechanical properties after exposure to natural and artificial light of fabric made of Rusar fibers., Such indicators as breaking load, pressure when pressed with a nozzle in the form of a ball, the loading when pressed with a nozzle in the form of a cone with an angle of 90o were chosen
as criteria for wearing from light. The complex evaluation was conducted using a graphical method that allows for calculations without expert interviewing, which reduces time of research.


para-aramid fabrics, complex quality assessment, mechanical properties, exposure to light, mechanical properties


  • Kurdenkova, A. Comprehensive Assessment of the Para-Aramid Fabric Quality / A. Kurdenkova, Yu. Shustov, Ya. Bulanov // Materials and Technologies. - 2018.  -  № 2 (2). - С. 22 - 27.


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