Development of Grates for Cleaning Fibrous Mass in the Form of Raw Cotton


E. Bitus, A. Plekhanov, K. Razumeev

Russian State University A. N. Kosygin (Technology. Design. Art), Russian Federation

A. Djuraev, D. Tashpulatov

Tashkent Institute of Textile and Light Industry, Republic of Uzbekistan


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The article proposes a solution to the problem of improving technological efficiency of the construc-tion of the grate cleaner for fibrous raw cotton material. The theoretical basis for the calculation and selection of param-eters of the grate raw cotton cleaner is considered. Results of tests of the recommended design of the cleaner with grate bars of the new form are presented.


cleaner, fibrous mass, raw cotton, grate, amplitude, frequency, cleaning effect


  • Development of Grates for Cleaning Fibrous Mass in the Form of Raw Cotton / E. Bitus [et al.]  // Materials and Technologies. - 2018.  -  № 2 (2). - P. 34 - 39.


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