Application of Three-Dimensional Printing for Form-Fixing Elements in Garments


M. Guseva, V. Getmantseva, E. Andreeva

Kosygin State University of Russia (Technology. Design. Art), Russian Federation


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Innovative breakthrough technologies of three-dimensional design are firmly embedded in the process of designing clothes. Clothing is a complex three-dimensional object with a flexible, mobile structure. The shape of its full-scale sample can significantly differ from the virtual counterpart. To maintain the three-dimensional configuration of clothing, in addition to the constructive means for creating molds, form-fastening parts are used. The use of 3D-printing technologies for obtaining form-creating skeletons in clothing is a promising direction.


designing of clothes, CAD of clothes, 3D printing, form-fixing details


  • Guseva, V. Application of Three-Dimensional Printing for Form-Fixing Elements in Garments / M. Guseva, V. Getmantseva, E. Andreeva // Materials and Technologies. - 2018.  -  № 2 (2). - С. 70 - 75.


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