Methodics of The Process of Designing Upper Women's Clothes in Mass Production for an Individual Consumer
L. Zolottseva, N. Trutneva
Kosygin State University of Russia (Technologies. Design. Art), Russian Federation
The article presents a methodics for designing upper women's clothing in the industrial production for an individual figure. Methodics is characterized by the method of manufacturing a semi-finished model with a tempo-rary fastening, which allows, in the case of deviations in the dimensional parameters of the figure, to perform product adjustments.
semi-finished product, customization, two-stage method of processing, individual figure, landing de-fects, correction allowance, model design, modification of product details, technological process
- Zolottseva, L. Methodics of The Process of Designing Upper Women's Clothes in Mass Production for an Individual Consumer / L. Zolottseva, N. Trutneva // Materials and Technologies. - 2018. - № 2 (2). - P. 76 - 81.
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