Setting the Requirements for Design of Clothes for Nordic Walking and Searching for the Ways of their Implementation
N. Kriukova
FGBOU VO "Povolzhsky State University of Service", Russian Federation
The article is devoted to the design of clothes for Nordic walking as a new trend in sportswear manufacture. The relevance of the topic is substantiated and it is shown that the task of designing clothes for Nordic walking is of multi-objective nature, as various requirements are to be considerate and it can be solved only with a system approach to the design. The purpose of this article is to highlight the results of the work on the development of special requirements for clothing designed for Nordic walking, which in turn facilitates the adoption of scientifically sound design decisions.
Nordic walking, sportswear, requirements, quality indicators
- Kriukova, N. Setting the Requirements for Design of Clothes for Nordic Walking and Searching for the Ways of their Implementation / N. Kriukova // Materials and Technologies. - 2020. - № 2 (6). - P. 29 - 32.
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