Problem Setting and Solution in Investigation of Controlled Compound Electrotechnical Complexes of Technological Equipment


А. Polyakov, E. Ryzhkova, М. Ivanov, О. Vlasenko


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To build the structure, design and to study a complex electromechanical system (EMC) for the production of non-woven materials, an appropriate concept is proposed. As a medium for mathematical modeling and calculation of electromechanical systems, packages of new versions of the MATLAB system are used. The problem of developing the electric modeling method for analyzing and calculating the EMC of technological equipment was formulated and solved considering the properties of the fiber product and the dynamics of its movement during the formation and transportation.


non-woven material, speed mode, electromechanical systems


  • Problem Setting and Solution in Investigation of Controlled Compound Electrotechnical Complexes of Technological Equipment / А. Polyakov [et al.]// Materials and Technologies. - 2019. - № 2 (4). - P. 52-55.

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