Reflection of Gender Roles in Design of Corporate Uniform
O. Denisova
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Russian Federation
Based on the scientific research data, publications in media and analysis of corporate style guidelines (provisions on the employees dress code), modern trends in representing the gender role of the end user of the uniform from the standpoint of corporate standards have been identified. It is established that the introduction of a uniform regardless the gender factor provokes a negative perception of the dress code policy. Based on the analysis of uniform model proposals for various fields of activity, contemporary design tools and techniques for transmitting gender differences are identified and the effectiveness of their application from the standpoint of modern design methodology is assessed.
sexism, tolerance, corporate identity, clothing, design
- Denisova, O. Reflection of Gender Roles in Design of Corporate Uniform / O. Denisova // Materials and Technologies. - 2019. - № 2 (4). - P. 66-72.
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