Khan Atlas and Snipe: Tradition, Modernity


B. Torebaev

South Kazakhstan University named after M. Auezov, Republic of Kazakhstan

Z. Rakhimova

National Institute of arts and design named after Kamoliddin Behzod, Republic of Uzbekistan


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The article is devoted to the following aspects: description of the fabric developed by the traditional technology of the silkworm abra-ikat; division of Avra fabrics according to the type of raw material; the use of these fabrics in everyday life; the main ornamental motifs and their combinations; the difference between the composition and its artistic design; the uniqueness of the technique and design of the Uzbek striped fabric – "alacha"; drawing up the color of textile products in Central Asia; traditional favorite color schemes in various regions of Central Asia; producing a new fabric "avrovy snipe"; using avrovy fabrics in collections of famous fashion designers from far and near abroad countries.

abra-ikat, alocha, bekasam, khan-atlas


  • Torebaev, B. Khan Atlas and Snipe: Tradition, Modernity / B. Torebaev, Z. Rakhimova // Materials and Technologies. - 2020.  - № 1 (5). - P. 39 - 43.


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