Publication Ethics of the Journal

The journal's publication ethics is based on the Core Practices developed by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE) regarding the equal attitude of the editor, editorial board and reviewers to all the articles and authors; confidentiality; integrity; originality and plagiarism; conflicts of interest.
The Editorial Board of the Journal ensures compliance with the following ethics:

  • Ethics of publishing scientific papers
  • Ethics of authorship of scientific papers
  • Ethics of peer review of scientific papers
  • Ethics of editing scientific papers

The ethics of publishing scientific papers assumes that the Editorial Board of the Journal:

  • Ensures the review of all materials submitted for publication; maintains compliance with editorial independence and integrity in making objective decisions without expressing prejudice to authors based on nationality, religious affiliation or their official position; and acts regardless of commercial interests
  • Pursues the following policies: to improve the quality of published materials; significantly contribute to the development of domestic and foreign science (field of knowledge); to invite highly qualified specialists who actively contribute to the development of the journal to join the International Editorial Board and Editorial Council; to systematically improve the institutions of reviewing, editing, and expert evaluation of publications
  • Strives to meet the needs of readers and authors
  • Makes a decision on whether to accept or reject an article for publication based on all the comments from the independent reviewers as a whole; the final decision of the Editorial Board and the reasons for this decision are communicated to the authors.

The ethics of authorship of articles assumes that authors of publications shall:

  • Follow the basic principles when preparing research materials submitted for publication, including:
    • Validity – the published results of the research must be of high quality and validity; the authors are collectively responsible for their work and the content of the publication
    • Integrity – presented results of the research must be accurate and reliable, without falsification or unfair manipulation of data
    • Unambiguity – the publication must provide sufficient information so that other researchers can repeat the experiments
    • Comprehensiveness – the review and conclusions from existing research should be complete, balanced, and include information regardless of whether it supports the author's hypotheses and interpretations
    • Reasonableness – the results of a new study shall be presented considering the results of previous studies and correlating with them
    • Originality – authors guarantee that the work submitted for publication is original and has not been previously published anywhere in any language; the work cannot be submitted to several publications at the same time
  • Ensure that the list of authors includes only persons who meet the criteria for authorship (i.e. persons who have made a significant contribution to the work) and that deserving researchers are not excluded from the list of authors
  • Give consent to be added to their list of authors and approve the version of the work submitted for publication; any changes to the list of authors must be approved by all authors, including those who are removed from the list
  • Know in detail the work being submitted for publication and ensure that it meets the aforementioned requirements
  • Work together with the Editorial Board of the Journal to promptly correct their work if errors or omissions are discovered after publication
  • Promptly notify the Editorial Board of the Journal if they discover an error in any work submitted for publication, accepted for publication, or already published
  • Refer as correctly and accurately as possible to previous works of both other researchers and the authors themselves that are relevant to the publication, citing the original source. Verbatim reproduction of one’s own works and their paraphrasing are unacceptable; they can only be used as a basis for new conclusions
  • Comply with copyright laws

The ethics of peer review of scientific papers assumes that the Editorial Board of the Journal:

  • Ensures that independent review of materials is conducted in a manner that upholds honesty and objectivity when assessing the scientific value of the article proposed for publication
  • Establishes the procedure for reviewing materials submitted for publication;
  • reserves the right to reject material without independent review if it is considered to be of poor quality or unsuitable for the Journal's readers. This decision is made fairly and impartially
  • Engages independent reviewers by selecting individuals who have sufficient experience and are free from conflicts of interest; independent reviewers are informed of the requirements placed on them

The manuscript undergoes double-blind peer review process: neither the authors nor the reviewers know each other's identities. The editors of the Journal maintain confidentiality of the reviewers’ personal data.
If the reviewers raise concerns regarding the reliability of data or the advisability of publishing a scientific work, the editors provide the author with the opportunity to address the questions posed.
When sending materials for review, the Editorial Board of the Journal ensures the confidentiality of the authors' work and informs reviewers of the necessity to maintain such confidentiality. The editors of the Journal do not inform anyone about the status of the material in the Journal except the authors.

The ethics of editing articles assumes that the Editorial Board of the Journal undertakes to:

  • make decisions on accepting or rejecting publications fairly and objectively
  • post on the official website of the Journal, in the For Authors section, information about the rights and responsibilities of the Editorial Board of the Journal, reviewers, and authors; rules for submitting manuscripts of articles; a list of Journal headings, types of published materials, as well as the process of handling materials by the Journal
  • provide the opportunity to make appropriate amendments or correct typos as soon as possible if any obvious errors are discovered in the work
  • respond to allegations of misconduct regarding research or publication from readers, reviewers, or other editors