Simple Finite Element Model of Sample Woven Fabric Elongation

DOI: 10.24411/2617-1503-2018-11006


P. Sevostyanov, T. Samoylova, V. Monahov

The Kosygin State University of Russia


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The article presents a two-dimensional woven fabric model based on the finite-element method and allowing to consider structural features of the fabric. The model enables to determine the most tensile and deformed sections of the cloth.

modeling, elongation, fabric, warp, weft


  • Sevostyanov, P. Simple Finite Element Model of Sample Woven Fabric Elongation / P. Sevostyanov, T. Samoylova, V. Monahov // Materials and Technologies. - 2018.  - № 1 (1). - P. 33 - 36.

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