Contributor Magazine for the Stylist as a Field of Fashion-Industry


A. Popova, D. Pavlyuchik

Vitebsk State Technological University,

Republic of Belarus


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The article describes the search for new methods and the use of layout features for the magazine publication "Contributor" for the stylist Viola Zamirovskaya in the context of the proposed concept. The authors analyzed the concept of a magazine as a type of printed product, design features, layout and general rules for designing
magazine publications, design and technological requirements used in the design of a magazine. The trends in modern typography and graphic design, analysis of analogues of fashion magazines were studied in order to develop a magazine design for a stylist and adapt the magazine for printing. As a result of pre-project research and design searches, the "Contributor" magazine was created, which is intended to increase the recognition of the stylist, to inform about the approach to working with clients, and to be used as a gift for guests at events.

Key words

magazine, stylist, fashion industry, layout, photos


  • Popova, A. Contributor Magazine for the Stylist as a Field of Fashion-Industry / A. Popova, D. Pavlyuchik // Materials and Technologies. - 2023. - № 1 (11). - P. 49-53.


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