Development and Justification for the Choice of a Material Package for the Biathlete Costume


A. Lyadova, D. Pankevich, A. Burkin

Vitebsk State Technological University, Repablic of Belarus


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The article is devoted to the development of a biathlete warm-up suit. The conditions of training activities of athletes in the autumn-spring period and the requirements for the materials of the suit are analyzed. The choice of a material package is justified and the results of the research, which investigated the properties of composite materials with a membrane and stretchable form-resistant knitted fabrics recommended for the manufacture of a suit, are presented. Some features of the design and manufacturing technology of the warm-up suit that allow you to get a high-quality functional product are determined.


composite layered materials, membrane, biathlete suit


  • Lyadova, A. Development and Justification for the Choice of a Material Package for the Biathlete Costume /A. Lyadova, D. Pankevich, A. Burkin // Materials and Technologies. - 2021. - № 1 (7). - P. 28 - 34.


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