Research on the Utilization of the Laws of Formal Beauty in the Traditional Costume Patterns of the Oroqen People in China
Xiaotong Tang, JiaHui Ping
Qiqihar University, Qiqihar (China)
The traditional dress pattern of Oroqen people in China is the mapping of Oroqen people's knowledge and understanding of the natural world in their long-term social life and production, as well as the real emotions. In this paper, from the point of view of artistic design composition, the research on the formal beauty law of Chinese Oroqen clothing pattern is refined, and five aspects of formal beauty law used in Oroqen traditional clothing pattern are summarized, including change and unity, contrast and harmony, rhythm and rhyme, symmetry and balance. The Research of the artistic characteristics of traditional dress patterns of Oroqen ethnic group in China not only
has the role of inheritance for the development of their own ethnic group, but also has a positive role in promoting the modernization of Chinese national costumes.
Key words
Oroqen, dress motifs, formal beauty laws
- Tang, Xiaotong. Research on the Utilization of the Laws of Formal Beauty in the Traditional Costume Patterns of the Oroqen People
in China / Xiaotong Tang, JiaHui Ping // Materials and Technologies. - 2023. - № 2 (12). - P. 56-59.
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