Comprehensive Assessment of Materials Performance Properties for Manufacture of Armor Frame


D. Pankevich, M. Kukushkin, E. Amonova

Vitebsk State Technological University, Vitebsk, Republic of Belarus


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The article describes the frame of concealed armor clothes, describes the method for determining the nomenclature and weight of indicators in a comprehensive assessment of the performance properties of materials for its manufacture, based on an analysis of the purpose and conditions of use of the product. The paper presents the results of a study and an integrated assessment of performance properties, as well as recommendations on the choice of knitted fabrics for the manufacture of concealed armored clothing.


concealed wearing armor, knitted fabric, performance properties, research, comprehensive assessment


  • Pankevich, D. Comprehensive Assessment of Materials Performance Properties for Manufacture of Armor Frame / D. Pankevich, M. Kukushkin, E. Amonova // Materials and Technologies. - 2018.  -  № 2 (2). - С. 82 - 88.


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