Designing Garments to the Development of Stage Costumes in Historical Stylistics
N. Dorosheva, O. Denisova
St. Petersburg State University of Industrial Technologies and Design, Russian Federation
The article deals with the development of stage costumes in historical style for amateur theatrical studios. Based on the analysis of the historical aspects of the creation of costumes and modern possibilities of computer-aided design of garments, the possibilities for improving the design of stylized historical costume forms are shown, the degree of approximation of the reproduction of which allows satisfying the customer's requirements in terms of reliability and the necessary artistic expressiveness of the character's image.
history, theatre, costume, stylization, garment
- Dorosheva, N. Designing Garments to the Development of Stage Costumes in Historical Stylistics / N. Dorosheva, O. Denisova // Materials and Technologies. - 2022. - № 1 (9). - P. 24 - 29.
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